Movie Star

Harpo Nr.: 64
You feel like Steve McQueenWhen you're driving in your carAnd you think you look like James BondWhen you're smoking your cigarIt's so bizarreYou think you areThe new kind of James DeanBut the only thing I've ever seen of youWas a commercial spot on the screen

Movie star, oh movie starYou think you are a movieMovie star, oh movie starYou think you are a movie star, ah-ha

You should belong to the jet setFly your own private Lear JetBut you worked in a grocery storeEveryday until you could afford to get awaySo you went to Sweden to meet Ingmar BergmanBut he wasn't there or he just didn't careI think it's time for you my friendTo stop pretending that you are a

Movie star, movie starYou think you are a movieMovie star, movie starYou think you are a movie star, ah-ha

Frozen heroYour words are zeroAnd your dreams have vanished into darkAnd long agoBut you don't want to know

Movie star, movie starYou think you are a movieMovie star, movie starYou think you are a movie star, ah-ha
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